Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Home Sweet Florence

I have arrived safely in what will be my home for the next month, Florence! Everything has been simply magical so far! I'm in a slight hurry but I will give you a super quick tour of my life. 

This is my room in our precious apartment. I tried to nest and make it as much "mine" as I could! 

I didn't know there would be a bulletin board so the pictures I put up were what I could find in my wallet, book bag, etc. Feel free to mail me pictures! Also, please notice the UGA football ticket. . .it does feel like home. =) 

My cute roommate, Mary Frances.

 My room again. . .

Looking up outside our apartment door. . .

Looking down from out apartment door. . .

Our mailboxes! 

Outside my bedroom window. SO cute. 

 Where our apartment ate dinner.

Miss and Love Y'all! 


  1. I am so glad you are blogging!!...love the pictures - keep it all coming so we can live thru you guys!!!

  2. everything looks wonderful!! miss you already :)

  3. What great pics! It seems like you have a pretty nice kitchen in the apartment. Love you! - Em

  4. Thanks, y'all! We're having a great time. Hope all is well at home!
