Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Hodge Podge of Day 1

Yesterday was our first full day in Florence! I was so exhausted that I slept 11 full hours and still had to pull myself out of bed. We didn't have to be anywhere until 1:30 so we used the time to run to a few markets and grab some necessities. Necessities such as toilet paper. In case you were wondering, Italians don't really use toilet paper, they use badays which are basically water fountains to wash your hinny after you use the toilet. One of my roommates, Ash, likes to refer to these as "ho baths". As much as I am attempting to assimilate I still appreciate the use of toilet paper. 

After shopping briefly we headed to the Duomo and this is our journey from there. I would also like to note that I have become quite the map expert and my roommates depend on me to get us places. Be proud, people. No googlemaps or GPS for me! 

These precious old men are all over the city playing various instruments. Extra fun. 

 This begins photos of the Duomo which literally means "cathedral". It's pretty incredible!  

These are just pretty apartments across from the Duomo.

Funny story about these letters. . .there are street vendors everywhere. One of the guys selling these train letters handed me a piece of paper and told me to write down my name, so I did and before you know it, "TA-DA" It was pretty cute so I took a picture then he started telling me a price. Naturally, I have no use for tiny train letters that spell "Katie" so I said no, thanks. Well apparently that's not acceptable so I bought the letter "T" out of my name for Trenton & Tripp. Perhaps if I see that guy again and have money I'll buy the rest of their initials. 

From the Duomo we walked to our school and this is what we see everyday. 

I LOVE this view!

 Juliette, this reminds me of the Yard Sale sign near highland. HA! 


I seriously walk through these gates every morning now. It makes me want to sing "the hills are alive with the sound of music. . ."

the ceiling in one classroom. . .

Auburn is here too! We've made friends.

across from our school. . .

the other across from our school. . .

Here are your flowers, Meggie! 

 Medici Palace

It's so large that I have not been able to get a photo of the whole thing! It now holds lots of museums. 

This smart car is one person wide. The second passenger sits behind the driver. SO funny. 

 Cute friends. 

I just finished my first class! We are on break then start more walking tours. Mary Frances and I took "first day of school" pictures which I will certainly share later. =) Tonight we're going to see the ballet Swan Lake! We actually don't know if we're excited about this or not. . . I'm sure it'll be a neat experience though. 
Have a great day! 


  1. A carousel(from Italian carosello),lovely and so ornate..hope y'all took a spin on it or will later!! The city is surrounded in loveliness..the buildings, the view across the river..even the old men!!!!(Wonder why Italian old men look so quaint - very different from old men in the US?).Another day of great pictures ..thank you Katie!! P.S. Bet when you see Swan Lake you won't be able to get Natalie Portman out of your head!!haha!!! Have fun!

  2. everything looks amazing! ever since your birthday bryce has wanted to draw you an insane amount of pictures. needless to say you will have a pile when you get back. okay and looking at your pics, that IS taylor self?! that is the girl i was telling you about. :) love you katie!! (p.s. wedding pics are ready, check fb :) )
