Monday, March 7, 2011

A Memorial, a Meal, and a Memory.

So I was still soaking in everything from the concentration camp and completely neglected to share the rest of my day! This is what we did. . .

Sissy, I thought of you when I saw birdhouse/ mailbox thing.

MILLIE! I sure do miss her and I always love cookies. 

This has been my favorite memorial so far, The Memorial to the Murdered Jews. 
The architect was very intentional about every detail of the design. 

It is constructed of 2,711 concrete slabs of various sizes. You walk on uneven ground, single fill, through the blocks. As you walk you go deeper and the blocks get taller until you are unable to see the sun and you're surrounded by darkness. It's very disorienting and easy to get lost which is exactly what the artist intended. He wanted visitors of the memorial to have an extremely minuscule glimpse into the life of a Jew during WWII. 

My cute friend, Christina. 

"The East Side Gallery": What remains of the Berlin Wall. Seriously neat graffiti. 

Some neat bridge connecting East and West Berlin. 

During free time I somehow became the group leader of all of us. One minute we were all looking at a map and I was thankful to just be along for the ride, the next minute everyone is following me and I'm reading the map solo. Our travel guide pointed out a street on the map for us to check out so we took 3 different subways to get to a certain part of town. I was impressed we made it that far. After wandering down a few sketchy streets we found this quaint little restaurant that was just perfect! The food was yummy, the conversation was somewhat effortless, but the evening was wonderful. 

Afterwards I begged Christina to stop at this random photo booth with me. We made conversation with a few interesting characters who were celebrating life while we took these. We then made it all the way home by ourselves. We were impressed. Did I mention that I realllllly like photo booths. We've taken 8 more since then. B, prepare to visit a photo booth while you're in town. 

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