Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cooking Class: Ravioli

We had an optional 3rd cooking class tonight that 5 of us decided to take. It was AWESOME! We made homemade ravioli and made different colored dough then made patterns on the noodles. It was oodles of fun and extra pretty! I decided to be a little more brilliant and just take a photo of our recipes rather than type it all out. Genius, I know. 

To make the different colored dough we used colored foods or spices. In the end you couldn't even taste the food/spice, it was just pretty! 

Professor McCrillis's daughter, Margot, just got in town yesterday so she joined us for the class. So fun! 

Noodle making! 

Our chef, Mrs. Vitoria (not Victoria) is super sweet. 

I definitely want to try to make this again! 

1 comment:

  1. Yum!..the pesto ravioli looks so good..you no longer have any excuses not to cook for your parents...we have the proof that you can!! Can you bring bottles of wine back with you too??
