After the Biennale, we took a few minutes to rest the headed straight out to dinner. We now laugh and joke that we ate at the Shoney's of Venice. Nice try, Rick Steve. Afterwards we walked to San Marco to enjoy the view then took a sunset gondola ride. SO perfect.
That's the Realto Bridge I mentioned in the last post.
After the gondola ride we had dessert in San Marco square and listened to this band play the entire sound track of the Sound of Music. It was absolutely wonderful! We've been singing it randomly throughout the trip.
I miss Millie!
I love those little flags.
I LOVED this collection. You could say ol' Peggy was a patron of modern art. We visited her house in Venice where she had an extensive collection of contemporary art including work by Picasso, Kandinsky, Pollock, Dali, Braque, Duchamp, Brancusi, Giacommeti and Ernst (just to name a few). I also discovered who I will now claim as my favorite artist! But I'll hold off on telling you about that. . .
The main form of transportation in Venice (besides walking, of course) is a Vaporetta a.k.a. water taxi. You buy a card and scan it then wait on a boarding platform.
Smash Byrd, MF, and I took our afternoon off in Venice to go to Morano- an island famous for glass blowing near Venice.
We were able to watch this man hand blow glass. It was super neat!
He made both of these while we were watching. Normally the products are put in another oven to cool at a slower rate because cooling quickly often causes the class to shatter.
These little glass flowers in the window boxes we so precious and appropriate!
It was about a 45 minute boat ride to and from Morano. Coming back there were sail boats EVERYWHERE!
Lilly's shoes gave her really bad blisters so she spent $45 on flip flops from Armani that actually ended up rubbing her blisters. I forced her to wear my always perfect Chacos and they did the trick! We all laughed that it was weird seeing Lilly in Chacos but it was equally weird seeing me NOT in Chacos.
I also got this wonderful t-shirt while in Venice. This is my favorite artist although this is not my favorite piece by him. A postcard will be mailed to whoever can correctly identify this artist and piece! You can comment, email, or facebook me your guesses. =)
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