We're home from Venice! I think it's fair to say we are all LOVING a day of relaxation and catching up on homework. I haven't started the latter yet. . .I had too many photos to share in one post so I'll have a part two posted tomorrow. All ten of us plus our two professors traveled to Padua then Venice to see the Bienalle which is a modern Art show that is pretty spectacular.
This was when the five of us somehow didn't make it off the train in time in Padua. We were pressing the button but the doors wouldn't open so we waved goodbye to our frantic professors and class while taking an hour journey of our own!
We finally made it on a train back to meet up with our group. After the 30 second shock of what did we just do we laughed A LOT! It was actually pretty fun and hilarious. Sadly, I didn't have my camera in Padua (we had checked out bags at the train station and it was in my bag). So there are no photos of Padua but I have plenty in Venice!
The next few were taken off the Realto bridge which is one of four bridges and the oldest bridge that spans across the Grand Canal in Venice.
Lilly loves her boxed wine. Sadly, she didn't have a straw for her juice box this time.
MF and Smash Byrd are one step up from boxed wine having bottled out of dentist cups.
We walked to San Marco Piazza and sat by the river for a few hours after dinner. It was beautiful and relaxing to watch day turn to night without a care in the world.
Holly reminds me of Mary Poppins when she carries her umbrella in the sunshine.
This is known as The Bridge of Sighs. The view from the Bridge of Sighs was the last view of venice that convicts saw before their imprisonment. The bridge name, given by Lord Byron in the 19th century comes from the suggestions that prisoners would sign at their final view of the beautiful Venice through the window before being taken down to their cells.
The Biennale!!!!! It is a contemporary art exhibition that occurs every two years in Venice. The first Biennale occurred in 1895 but it's evolved a lot since then. The artwork is by one representative from participating countries across the word. The formal Biennale is based at a park, the Giardini, that houses 30 permanent national pavilions. The Giardini includes a large exhibition hall that houses a themed exhibition curated by the Biennale's director. Countries not owning a pavilion in the Giardini are exhibited in other venues across Venice. Initiated in 1980, the Aperto began as a fringe event for younger artists and artists of a national origin not represented by the permanent national pavilions. This is usually staged in the Arsenale and has become part of the formal biennale program.
This was located in the United States pavilion. It's an ATM that plays music when it's being used. I got money out just so I could hear what music it would play for me. It plays something different every time. So fun.
I thought this was a photograph until I got really close and noticed brush strokes. Crazy.
I loved these.
Happy Fathers Day to all the daddies out there! A special shout out to Art- my own father, to Nick- the father of my nephews, Grandaddy White- the father of my mother, and to all of my uncles who have often been like Fathers to me- Tim, Joe, Ritchie, Casey, Mark, Scott, Parker, and John. A few other dads who have a special place in my heart. . .Mr. Sammy, Jonesie, Rob, Mr. Talley, Mr. Sandy, and Bryan Elder.
More gorgeous pictures,,just when I don't think you can top the last ones. Y'all are in the home stretch now...enjoy! enjoy! enjoy!
I just have too many comments to post every time I read through your entries...!!! Bah!