Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"When in Berlin!"

This is what we do every morning for breakfast, walk 5 blocks to a yummy bakery. 

We went to the Jewish Museum yesterday morning. It was interesting because it focused on all of Jewish history rather than just the Holocaust. 

The phone was a way of sharing information about a section we were in. 

The neat thing about the Jewish Museum is how intentional the architect was with the overall design. The content of any museum is obviously valuable but the layout is intended to make visitors feel certain emotions and it does that well. This wing of the museum forces visitors to walk on the faces representing Jews. Powerful. 

Checkpoint Charlie! 

A Tripp-sized bicycle! 

I love these little flags! 

Kim was posed for this photo. She poses uniquely for EVERY photograph and rarely just looks at the camera and smiles. Hilarious. 


I love this. 

These plaques are all throughout the city in memory of the Jews who used to live in that specific location. 

The rocks are placed at their feet as a sign of reference and respect. 

We decided to wander off on our own for dinner. Our method of wandering? "this train stop looks nice!"  After walking and talking for lots of blocks we can across the most wonderful little pizzeria. It was owned and operated by one older Italian gentlemen who did not speak English but boy, could he make pizza! 

We both ate our entire pizza! Dinner was so yummy and we had the best conversations. Christina and I are completely different people and would rarely find ourselves in the same place in the U.S. but here we go together perfectly. 

Since it was International Women's Day, the kind gentleman gave us roses! So of course we needed a photo with him. 

We aren't sure why but he was very friendly with me. 

Momma! Think y'all do enough marketing over here?

p.s. There are a few more photos from last night but they are on Christina's camera so I will share them in my post about today! 

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